Birmingham city centre is one of the first six UK locations to be awarded 'Purple Flag' status, which recognises excellence in managing town and city centres which support a mix of evening activity.
Me marketing produced a comprehensive 'ideas document' and marketing plan to raise awareness of the city's award status and the night time economy of the city as a whole. The recommended strategy used a range of visual, thought provoking and interactive means to engage with key audiences in a cost effective manner.
The focus of the campaign was not to promote the award itself, but to concentrate on what it actually meant to visitors to the city: it meant they would have a good time out, with lots of different things to choose from and do, they could get home safely, know there were people there to help them if they needed it, they could reassure their parents or partners that they'd be safe in the 'big city': it meant a fun, hassle-free night of enjoyment. |